Sean Vig's 2011 GSOC Project

Developing Wigner-3nj Symbols in SymPy

Moved to GitHub Pages (Here!)

Well, I’ve moved my old blog here, to my GitHub pages page. I’ve done this for several reasons, many of which are mirrored accross the web, but in short, being able to hack at my blog generator is great. Integration of nice Jekyll plugins to deal with things like syntax highlighting, being able to write in Markdown, easy inclusion of MathJax, being able to write blog posts in vim, the list goes on. I haven’t really done any configuration, for the most part, I dropped in the default Octopress configuration with minimal changes to get my name everywhere and imported my old blog (which included going in and adding Markdown syntax to all the files, ick). That stuff can all be pulled from the source branch of my pages branch.

I realize I haven’t done anything with this blog in a long time, but maybe I can put up some new stuff I’ve been hacking on now that I’ve got this new page.